How to earn Thespian Points

Thespian points can be earned by doing about anything in our theatre program! From performing the lead in a musical to volunteering in a fundraiser, students are a crucial member in our company and can be rewarded for that.

Students are able to begin earning points after they graduate 8th grade/middle school. All theatre experience must be submitted through the google form below using the "Thespian Points System for NCHS" for reference. 

Once a student has 10 or more points, they are a school recognized thespian and can pay $35 to be a ITS recognized thespian. Please see Hagerman and Mrs. Waligorski to make your payment.

Student responsibility 

While we would love for everyone to become thespians, it is not our responsibility to gather points from students. It is the students responsibility to update their points via the google form below. After that, it is in our hands to get them logged. We will not individually keep up on students who are behind on points.

Special Cases

Over the years, we have had a few event that have proven tricky to log into our point trackers. Below, we have listed these events as well as the points that will be received for them.

ex. 2024 - Greek Mythology - Narrator (Pandora, Cheerleader) - Major - 8pts.

ex. 2021 One Acts - Sound Tech - 5 pts.

ex. "student" attended 3 out of 4 set builds for Elf - 3 x 2 - Student receives 6 pts.

Accessible Thespian Points

All students and parents will have access to view their points with a non-school account. If a student doesn't have access to a non-school account, any member of the council would be more than happy to show you your points.